Sunday, December 9, 2012


THIS Is a LETTER I Wrote to Jim Farber at The NEW YORK DAILY NEWS on His article/review on the ROLLING STONES CONCERT at Brooklyn's Barclay's Center on December 8, 2012

Hi Jim, Thanks for the great piece "Satisfaction" (Rolling Stones) ....  I'm a lifelong Stones Fan from the early 60's when The Stones first started, I was like 5 years old. And with all the "Shitty Music" they make these days I've grown to Love The Stones and all the Great Rock, R&B, and Pop Artists of the 60s and 70s even more, as they make barely any good music anymore these days. I don't understand it. With a very few exception like Alicia Keyes, Cee Lo Green and a "VERY FEW OTHERS" I think "The Music These Days SUCKS" !!!!!
    That's why the Greatest Rock-n-Roll Band The Rolling Stones are so important, and I as well as Many Millions "Thank" those guys for still keeping it together, for all the "Crappy Music" these days and lack of Anything Good, we can still pull out the Old Vinyl and listen to all the great R&B, Pop, and Rock acts of the 60s and 70s along with Greats like; Frank Sinatra, Dino, Sammy, Tony B, Louis Prima, Louis Armstrong and 100s of others. Thank God for the 50s 60s and 70s otherwise all we'd have is the "Shit of Today" Thank God He Created The Rolling Stones. "Or was that Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and the rest?" Well, yes God did have some hand in it, "I think."
   Sorry, I got off on a tangent. Can't help it when I Think About The Very Sad Fact That Rock has Died. replaced by "Shit Crap RAP Techno and Whatever They Call All The Other Garbage" they so "Wrongfully" call music these days. "It's A SIN." !!!  And I don't believe it's a generational thing as I grew up loving my generations Music The Beatles, The Stones, Pop, R&B, and hard Rock along with Loving my Mom and Dads Music as well, like; Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat king Cole, Louis Armstrong and others. And I remember driving around Jersey in my Dads Plymouth listening to the Radio and my Dad singing along and loving the Music. He was of a older generation and Loved all the Big Band; Tommy Dorsey, Glenn Miller and such which he always talked about "Playing Hooky" from school and going to see the Big Bands with His Buddies at the Paramount Theater, a Live Big Band (The Top Acts of The Day) and a Movie for just .50 Cents .....  And that's why I can't go see the Stones, $450 and Up for tickets plus working in the restaurant business I'd have to take off work and lose over $150 in pay. Even if I could get tickets, it would cost me more than $700 to see the Stones. I love the Stones and wanted to see them one more time (seen them Twice before at much more REASONABLE Prices according to the TIME) ..
   Well Jim, I don't know if you're going to read this "long-winded" letter. Sorry I didn't originally want to right it so long, but I got going and couldn't stop. Loved Your article on The STONES, especially the first 4 paragraphs, which gave me a good feel for the show. I Always have my Great Rolling Stones Vinyl Record Collections (about 30 Albums)  along when I went to see the Stones 2 times in the 70s, I've seen Mick Jagger around town, mostly in Night Clubs and Bars, and when I used to be the Maitre'd at Celebrity Central Restaurant "Da Silvano" I got Keith Richards autograph on a baseball that also has Johnny Bench's signature on it. I took care of Tons of Celebrity's over the years and Keef is the only person I ever asked for an Autograph. "He was Great." Anyway thanks for writing such a good article and painting a good picture of the Concert.


                                                              New York, NY

Thursday, November 15, 2012

PRESIDENT OBAMA "I'm Proud of New York You Guys Are TOUGH"

President Obama visited Ravaged Staten Island today to lend his Support as President of The United States of American, but more as The Kind Man He is. President Obama gave Staten Islanders and all New Yorkers some "Kind Words of Support and Encouragement" Giving heart Felt Condolences to the family who lost their two young children in Staten Island and the New York City Police Officer Kevin Gallagher who stood by Them.
   President Obama told New Yorkers "I'm Proud of New York ... You Guys are TOUGH" !!! Thank You Mr. President for the Kind Words and Compliment. Yes We are Tough but as Governor Cuomo said the day after the disaster we he also said "New Yorkers are Tough, but We're Sweet and KIND and I'm Proud to Be One" (A New Yorker) said Govenor Andrew Cuomo.
   Thanks again Mr. President, that is why You Were Re-Elected "The People Know That You are a Good Man, A Kind Hearted Man" who Cares about hisFfellow Man, Americans and all around The World.



Daniel Bellino Zwicke

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Is It Bond or Is It Me? The Question of Why Bond Just Doesn't Seem as Great and Wonderful as Days Gone By?
    I Grew Up Watching Bond. I've Seen Every Bond Film live at the Time It Came Out since my First Experience with Agent 007 James Bond when I was just a young boy of 7 .. That was in 1965, the film "Thunderball" with The Legendary Undersea Battle and the Yacht the divided in two. I also saw my first Bare Breasted Woman in that film when Bond was in a Night Club where a stripper was dancing. A young Boy just Loves that.
   Everything is so much more Magical when your young, all the great movies I saw at the Rivoli Theater in Rutherford, New Jersey Enchanted me to no-end. It was like I was in a Dream, I was in the picture and experiencing everything; Fast Cars (DB5) Beautiful Women, Casinos, Gadgets, and Exotic Locales, Globe Trotting The World. I Always wanted to be just like Bond, and to some small extent I did. I Traveled the World, I Had Unbelievable Gorgeous Girlfriends and brief liaisons and affairs.I traveled the World and though on a small scale always had a Bond-Like bent in my personal life and style, educated, Smart, Sophisticated, stylish, World Traveling Lady's Man..
  Well Back to me, seeing my first Bond Film to the latest Skyfall and every Bond Film in-between along with the first 4 that had come out before I saw my first. Of Course Quantum of Solace was absolutely Horrible and a great disappointment not only for me but Millions of Bond Fans who thought it was horrible as well.
   They axed Pierce who I though was a great Bond. Why did they do that? I was Pissed! They're not going to get someone in this day and age better at Bond than Pierce Bronson who did a great job in 4 Bond films starting with Golden Eye, Tomorrow Never Dies, the World is Not Enough, and Die Another Day. Yes Piece did a great Job As Bond, I personally liked him a lot as James Bond and was worried about the new Bond, could he fills Piece's shoes? I didn't think anyone could but I was hoping for the Best. So when Casino Royale came, I went and hoped. And I was pleasantly Suprised, this new Guy Daniel Craig was Great. Casino Royale was Great, I was happy and me and Millions of Bond fans were content, We Got a New Bond and a Good one at that.
   Then came Quantum of Solace. It SUCKED! So we were all kind of apprehensive with the release of Skyfall, would it be good, Great, So-So, or Suck? Of course we were all hoping for the Best, we always want Bond to be Good, Great! So the verdict. Well I'm Happy to say "Skyfall Didn't Suck" Was it Great? Afraid Not! How bout Good? Yes Skyfall was good, just not Great "Nothing to Get Excited About" ! OR is it me? Am I jaded, do O read too much into it, and pick it apart, instead of viewing it like a kid, but there's no way you can ever get that Childlike Magic back. Or can You? Well a little anyway.
   Well to answer those question. No I can never get that Childlike Magic back, small pieces but the whole-blown Childlike Magic can never fully be gotten back. Maybe in a Dream, but we're talking reality here.
Yes i do not have the childlike magic. Yes I pick the movie apart and analyze it, which you never do as a child, you just watch it and Love it or not.

Sean Connery
as Bond

 Well, I may not process the Childlike Magic any more, But Let Me Tell You This, though I Love Bond and always want him "It" (The Movie) to be Great, "It's Not." And it's not Methe editing, the , "It's Bond" Not as Good, no Great as It Used to Be. The Movie that Is. It's Not Daniel Craig, he proved he's a fine Bond in Casino Royale. No, it's the producers, the Director (Get Rid of Mendes), the decisions they make, in the story-line, the Music, direction of the Movie, should tone-down the Girls, Sex innuendos, Gadgets, the Music, The Cliches. Yes, YES, YES! It's the Decisions and Direction the Producers, Writers, and Director take. And Speaking of "Taking" Do Not Take Out the Cliches. They May Be Cliches but Cliche may be good, it's what makes a particular "Thing" Good, a THING Like Bond, The Bond Franchise. We the People that pay a Whopping $14.50 as I did, Expect and Want the Cliches, and "ALL" of them, and full-on. Give us Hot Sexy Bond Girls, Give Us all The Great Music and plenty of "Dant-Dant-Di-Dant" Music affects, it charges us up, it's what we Expect "What We Want." Give us plenty of Cool Gadgets and Q and Bond  in ther Gadget Lab and later in the Movie Agent 007 Bond using the Gadget to get out of "Danger." Give us Bonds quirky remarks, charm, and wittiness  a GREAT THEME SONG, Play the Cliche Bond music through-out  the movie. "We Want It All" ! Don't worry Broccoli, there can never be too many Cliches when it comes to Bond. We Want Them. "We Demand Them." So Bond writers, Producers, Directors and Actors, if You Want Great Bond Films for the next 50 Years as in the first 50 despite a few glitches her-and-there, "Leave in All The Great Cliches" that made Bond Great over the years, "That's Your Formula for Another successful 50 Years" and to make the Millions of Bond Fans Happy and content, Bond Cliches! 

Daniel Bellino Zwicke

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Went to See SKYFALL last Night at AMC Theater 25 on 42nd Street in Times Square. "Guess What?

Went to See Skyfall Last Night, The First Day in NEW YORK and The U.S. ... Like Most Hardcare "Bond Fans" I Wish Wishing and Hoping This the 23rd Edition of The Great Thing We Know and Love as Bnd Films.. I Like Millions of Other Fans was Waiting in Great Anticipation of "The Return of Bond" as it says in the ending credits of every Bond Filml, "James Bond Will Return" There's no question of a Sequel, Bond is a Franchise and you know there's always going to be aother Bond Movie, another Adventures, a New Evil Villain in a Quest for World Domination "Or Something Like That" and if need be, there's going to be a New Bond (actor Playing James Bond).And we got a New Bond 3 Movies ago in Daniel Craig. Craig's First Film was hugely anticipated as here we have a "New Bond" and Pierce Bronson had don a great job in his Bond Films. How was Craig going to be as Secret Agent 007? A very Big Question. Craig didn't disappoint, He Was Awesome in Casino Royale. The Movie Was Very Good as Well. We were all Happy. Then came Quatnum of Solace a "Big STINKER" It SUCKED, most would agree. So now we have Skyfall coming along and everyone is wondering, is it going to be a "Dam Good Bond Film" or a "Crappy Stinker Like Quantum" ??? Of course We were all "Hoping For The Best."
   So Did SKYFALL Deliver you want to know? Yes and No! Yes ... It Delivered yes in the fact that it Didn't SUCK Like Quantum of Solace, which was thee Most IMPORTANT Thing this Movie Needed to Accomplish, "Just Don't SUCK." !!! It didn't and Thank God for That. Hoping for the Best from Skyfall, did we get it? Well, I wouldn't say we got the best, but we did get pretty goo. Not The Best, No I Didn't walk out of the Theater All Pumped Up and Supercharged like I saw a Great Movie. No, I did feel satisfied, entertained, I like the Movie and felt it was quite good. It was Bond and an Event, The First Night and all that, but this latest Bond Movie is "Far from Being Great or Oscar Worthy" as some writers and reviewers have coined it. Far from it! People like to jump-On-The-Band-Wagon. I'm Not, I tell it like It-Is! I wanted to and wish i could say SKYFALL was  great and Ranks Anong The Best Bond Films of All-Time like some have. The Problem Is, "It Isn't" wish it was but it's now. But what is Very Important is the "Fact" That Skyfall was Good and Din't SUCK Like Quantum, that would have been a Disaster. Let's be happy for that.
   Skyfall does have a good number of the Elements that we love most about a Bond Film. The Movie starts with a great chase scene through the Streets of Istanbul that was quite good. The Skyfall Theme Song while not of the Caliber of Shirley Bassey, Nancy Sinatra, or Sheena Easton was pretty good, sung by Adele. The great Bond Theme Song and background music was good, but could have been used a bit more as it always excites and pumps the audience up.
   There were Beautiful Woman but not used in the optimum as in the best and most Classic Bond Films and Best Bond Girls, a bit lacking in Skyfall. Lacking again in the Much-Loved Gadget Department. But one super great job of Pulling a Rabbit Out of The Hat was the appearance of Bonds Original Car The Famed DB5. Awesome! There was a joke by "M" about Bond pressing the Ejector Seat Button on her, and the audience roared when Bond used the specially equipped DB5's Machine Guns on The Villains.
  And Yes, as always, there were Exotic Locales, includin; Shanghai, Istanbul, Macau, and London.
OK, they Overall Best Thing about Skyfall is, "It Didn't SUCK" !!!

by DBZ  "Not DB5"

Thursday, November 1, 2012


The Day "HURRICANE SANDY" Hit NEW YORK Monday/Tuesday  October 29 & 30, 2012 .... Got Most of My Supplies ahead of Time, enough Food, Water, and Flashlights. Was at  "CAFFE REGGIO" in New Yorks, Greenwich Village twice that day hanging out 2 Hours each time, Sipping Cappuccino, on the phone and Laptop Reading and Writing, or Surfing The Net. Oh Yeah, before my first stop at Reggio I stopped in by My Buddy Giovanni at "Bar Pitti" (Proprietor) ... Had a coffee of course (Espresso) and Govanni asked me if I wanted something to Eat? Heck Yeah, Thanks! "I'll have One of Those Plaease," I said pointing to the Mortadella Sandwich one of the waiters (Lucca) was Eating. Yummm! Dam it was tasty! Giovanni gets the top-quality Mortadella from Emelia Romangna in Italy, "Tasty" and fresh. The sandwich was on a nice piece of Ciabatta Bread from The Sullivan Street Bakery (Some of The Best Bread in Town) ... So I had my Espresso and Pannino (Sandwich), hung-out, chit-chatted and thanked Giovanni for the eats and I was on my way.     Went to Caffe Reegio, Cappuccino, Reading Writing and then  went to the Grocery Store on Bleecker and LaGaurdia Place. Got paper towels, Water, Cheese, Eggs, OJ, and a couple cans of soup to add to what I already had at home, Then went home and had some of the homemade soup I had left at home. Was back home for an hour and 1/2 then when back to Reggio and did the same thing.    Went back home about 8 O'clock. I was home about 45 minutes watching the News of what was happening with Sandy "The Hurricane"   At about 8:45 the lights flickered. "Oh Shit" Yes, 5 or 6 minutes later they were "OUT" The Lights, The TV, The Laptop, Everything, "NO Electricity" we were in the "DARK" We being a Half-Million people living in lower Manhattan, from 39th Street down, no electrical Power at all. Pitch BLACK DARK! to be Continued Daniel Bellino Zwicke
Downtown New York on Tuesday October  30, 2012 The Day After HURRICANE SANDY
"HIT" NEW YORK and Left Downtown NEW YORK in The "DARK" Without SUBWAY or 
Before the STORM Hit 
by Daniel Zwicke

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Yes "Thank God For The Waldorf" They've Been a God Send for people like me "Downtown New Yorkers" who have been Without Electricity for the past 2 and a half Days Downtown New York in The AFTERMATH of "HURRICANE SANDY" a.k.a. "FRANKENSTORM"
We're in The Dark! Everyone living North of 26th Street in Manhattan have Electric Power, but those of us Downtown below 26th Street are "Without Power" We're "In The Dark" !!!

The Lobby at The Waldorf Astoria Hotel

Daniel Bellino Zwicke

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

BLOOMBERG BLOWS ! Bad Decisions on Hurricane Sandy !

F**KIN BLOOMBERG Did it Again. He Screwed Us. The People Who Live Downtown Manhattan, who have been without Electricity for more than 20 Hours Now and Will be again tonight and for who Knows How Long. Why Did He Screw Us?  BLOOMBERG and ASSHOLE? Simple? There are over 1 Million People without Electricity. We're in the Dark. "WHY THE HELL AREN'T THE BUSES RUNNING ASSHOLE?" Yes You MAYOR MIKE ! There Is Know Reason What-So-Ever that Bus Services could not have started by Noon. If so people would be able to get to work, to there jobs at Delis, Cafes, Grocery Stores, Restaurant, Bars, Whatever. If these Businesses were open, it would have made things a lot more bearable and easy in a Bad and Stressful Time. Instead of Helping by getting the Buses GOING, Bloomberg has exasperated an already tough situation for More Than a MILLION New Yorkers. He F**KED-UP, He SCREWED US. He's an ASSHOLE. You know he's gonna have a Bunch of Bull-Shit Excuses as to Why the Buses weren't Running Sooner and Making Life Easier on New Yorkers who are in a bad situation, No Electricity, No Lights, No TV, Nothing, "We're in The Dark" ! OK, Yeah I know, that's Not Bloombergs Fault. No. But what is his Fault is that He is supplying more than 1 Million New Yorker with "More Hardship." ASSHOLE! We would have had it much easier, and a day with Less hardship today if that ASSHOLE BLOOMBERG would have had the Buses Running today, instead of just sitting there "Doing NOTHING" they Could Have Helped People today. There's NO REASON for THIS! There has been NO BAD WEATHER What-So-Ever Today! None! In fact the weather was NOT BAD at all today. THE BUSES SHOULD HAVE BEEN RUNNING TODAY, "HELPING PEOPLE" both New Yorkers and the poor people who are here on Business or Pleasure (Tourist). You Could have made things a Lot "Better" for People instead of "Throwing Gasoline on The Fire" 


Thanks a Lot ASSHOLE!